Symptoms Checklist for Undetected Vision Problems

Current research shows that about 20% of school-aged children have undetected vision problems which are hindering their school performance. Many of these children have passed their school’s vision screening, which is only designed to check children’s distance vision as measured by the 20/20 line on the eye chart. Unfortunately, school screenings aren’t equipped to check for other important visual skills, especially skills children use for close-up activities such as reading. For example, school screenings don’t check to see if children can coordinate both their eyes as a team, track print across a written page without losing their place, or comfortably adjust focus when looking from near too far away. Children can have 20/20 eyesight, meaning normal distance vision, and still have vision problems in other areas.

Children who are struggling with undetected vision problems often fail to progress well in school. The following checklist shows some of the symptoms children with hidden vision problems can have. If any of these sound like your child, an eye exam by a pediatric optometrist is recommended. Your child doesn’t have to struggle unnecessarily any longer!

Children with vision-based learning problems may…

  • read below grade level
  • have trouble comprehending
  • avoid reading or other close-up tasks
  • omit, turn around, or confuse words when reading
  • lose their place or use their finger to follow a line of print
  • become easily distracted, finding it difficult to remain on task
  • have a short attention span
  • need a lot of breaks during homework
  • tire quickly when they read
  • suffer from eye strain
  • have red or watery eyes when reading
  • complain of blurred, double, or moving print
  • squint, frown, or rub their eyes while reading
  • have difficulty taking tests
  • tilt their heads at an angle or hold books too closely when reading
  • cover an eye to read
  • have difficulty copying from the board
  • reverse letters and numbers past the first grade
  • fail to complete assignments on time
  • take too long time to do homework
  • appear to be unmotivated or lazy at school
  • seem frustrated with school
  • suffer from poor self-esteem
  • complain of headaches
  • struggle with eye-hand coordination
  • have poor handwriting
  • sometimes appear awkward or clumsy
  • have difficulty catching or hitting a ball
  • show symptoms of attention deficit disorder

If five or more of the above symptoms sound like your son or daughter, then your child could be one of the 20% of school-aged children who have a vision-based learning problem.

The good news, however, is these children can be helped! Please call the office of Hahn Price Vision Center at 913-839-0084 for more information. Dr. Melissa L. Hahn Price is a pediatric optometrist who specialize in diagnosing and treating learning-related vision disorders. She wants to help you get your child back on track for success in school!